lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Cell organelles

Students made drawings of cell types to learn the main cell organelles in English


1st ESO students have worked on British and American women inventors throughout history. The students have looked for different information about WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE these women have invented


Biografía Heroínas Secretas en la Historia de España

Para las Jornadas Culturales de este año se ha propuesto desde el Programa Bilingüe y PLC trabajar La Biografía como tarea interdisciplinar de centro.

Desde el departamento de Lengua, se han realizado varios trabajos.
Os mostramos " Heroínas Secretas de la Historia de España" como resultado de la actividad.

Escribimos biografías

En 1° E.S.O nos hemos acercado al género discursivo de la biografía. A partir de un guión de planificación hemos aclarado las características de este tipo de texto.

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Scientific notation ( 2º T)

We will watch the following video about scientific notation:

After that, pupils will practise with interactive exercises on the internet, accessing the following link:

Tables and graphs ( 1º T)

In this section we will work with tables and graphs, for  first year high school students.
First of all, we will watch the following video, which explains how interpret graphs ( link to access the video)

After explaining some concepts and clarifying  doubts, we will do some activities  of interpreting graphs, all contextualized. Specifically, we will raise the next exercise, about  temperatures in New York City

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

La biographie

Une biographie est un récit de vie. On raconte la vie d’une personne.

On donne d’abord des informations sur l’identité : date et lieu de naissance, liens familiaux.


The cross-curricular task proposed by the Bilingual Project is about Biographies.

Some of them were exposed in several workshops during the Cultural Week.

Those are the biographies carried out by students of 2nd year.