martes, 14 de enero de 2020


The aim of the next activity is to practice in a fun and alternative way the contents about the most important figures in the Reconquista process of the Iberian Peninsula by the Christian Kingdoms.

Instructions of the game:

- Make groups of five students.
- Every group will have some cards like this one:

- A volunteer of one group will read the first clue, and the rest of the groups will raise their hands having one attempt in order to make a guess of who is the historic figure that we are talking about:

- If you find the historic figure using the First clue: The team will get 10 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Second clue: The team will get 6 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Third clue: The team will get 4 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Last clue: The team will get 2 points.

The team with the Highest Score will win the Quiz.

You can download the Cards using the following link:

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