miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Android apps to practice English

Os paso un vídeo donde muestro un par de aplicaciones para Android que me parecen interesantes para practicar inglés desde cualquier lugar que te encuentres.
Una de ellas es "Listen and Speak English": es gratuita y entre otras cosas te permite tener acceso a gran cantidad de audiciones con texto y pudiendo controlar la velocidad de reproducción.
La otra que traigo es "Elsa Speak" que tiene una parte gratuita pero que también versión PRO o de pago. Con esta puedes comprobar y mejorar tu nivel de pronunciación en Inglés.


Benny, our teaching assistant, has gone back home. From Canada, he is giving our students some tips for the quarantine.

Let´s listen to his advices!!

Geography and History, Third Term

For this third term, I'm planning to continue working some contents in english using Google Classroom Platform. I plan on using another Power Point about the cities. The students will have to read it aloud, practising their oral skills, and then they'll have to do some activities about what they read.

They also have to continue with the habit of writing a diary at the end of each class, summarizing what they had studied in each class.

As uploading archives is not permitted in this platform, here's a couple of examples of the content of the Power Point:

Geography and History, Second Term

For the second term, and again with the help of Benny, the bilingual assistant, we've worked with the bilingual book of Vicens-Vives, following the same work routines explained in the last entry. Students kept practising their oral skills, and then they had to do some activities about what they read.

We've also used some YouTube content to work with. Here's an example:

They also had to write a diary at the end of each class, summarizing what they had studied in each class.

Unfortunately, I left the bilingual book at the High School at the start of the Covid-19 situation, so I can't upload any example of what we worked on.

Geography and History, First Term.

With the help of Benny, the bilingual assistant, we've worked with a Power Point of the Islam during the first term. The students had to read it aloud using the digital board, practising their oral skills, and then they had to do some activities about what they read.

They also had to write a diary at the end of each class, summarizing what they had studied in each class.

As uploading archives is not permitted in this platform, here's a couple of examples of the content of the Power Point:


Are our students bored with plain old research? Using apps will appeal our students and may bring in a variety of skills while learning English.

Here are some projects: 

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Isometric drawing

Let`s talk about perspetive, and more precisely about isometric drawing.

when you try to draw a 3d object for example a cube , it could be a challange, because we are trying to  get a real life object with 3 dimensions onto a 2d plane , like a paper or a blackboard.
For doing that we use a technique called perspective.  And the easiest kind of perspective is the isometric one, and that it´s why is the most used way of drawing a 3d object .

So , the three dimensions of any real life object are height , width and depth ,and they are represented in a paper by three axis.  One vertical axis and two horizontal axes. These two horizontal axis  are drawn at 30º angles

In the following video we´ll learn  how to draw an easy perspective that is going to be very useful to representa 3d object on a piece of paper.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Electricity principles

Today , We´re going to learn about the principles of  the electricity.

To start with , we`re going to  watch a video  in which  the basics of electricity are introduced.

Now that we are familiar with those principles we can create a project  about  a simple electrical circuit.

With this Simple Electric Circuit  you will to learn the basics of electricity . You will  build a light circuit powered by a battery and opperated by a switch. You may need the following list of materials or components

  • Wooden board
  • 1 Light Bulb
  • 1 lamp holder
  • 1 Battery holder 
  • 1 Simple Switch 
  • Screws 
  • Insulated solid copper wire 


Use the picture bellow to see how you must mount the components on the board

Use  screwdriver to mount the battery holder, the switch and the lamp holder  on the board. 

Loosen the contact screws to make them ready for connecting the wires.Cut 3 pieces of wire and remove the insulation from 1 cm of each end of the wires. 

Connect the battery holder to the one of the contacts  on the lamp holder.

Take another wire to connect the other contact screw of the lamp holder to one of the contacts on the switch

Use the last wire to connect the remaining contact on the switch to the other clip of the battery holder

And that's all folks


Los primeros días del confinamiento coincidieron con los últimos del segundo trimestre, a nuestros alumnos de Segundo de Tecnologías, les pedimos que hicieran mascarillas en casa

Over the Rainbow

Students played "Over the Rainbow" with recorder and they have listened to the song anda have written the lyrics.


In this post we are going to show the file needed in order to work The Carolingian Empire and one of the most important historical figures in humankind: Charlomagne.
His importance is based on the fact that he was capable of restore the Glory of the Western Roman Empire during his time as an emperor.

In the next Presentation we will have the information to talk and discuss about his importance and the student will have to produce:

- The exercises along the presentation about Charlomagne an the Carolingians.
- A full Timeline with the most important facts of the Carolingian Empire since the old times of Charles Martel in 732 to the Treaty of Verdun in 843.

American Civilizations before Columbus

Today the students will have to answer few questions about the American Civilizations before Christopher Columbus.

They have two different files:

1) A Presentation in pdf with all the information about the topic.
Click the following link:
Presentation in pdf about American Civilizations Before Columbus

2) Working sheet with the questions about American Civilizations.
Click in the next link:
Questions about America Civilizations before Columbus

3) A National Geographic Documentary to watch with subtitles in youtube.
Click in the next link:

American Civilizations before Columbus - National Geographic

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Chocolate Mug Cake in 1 Minute

Chocolate Mug Cake in 1 Minute

Los alumnos de Segundo Curso han tenido que realizar un video en inglés mientras preparaban un mug cake de chocolate en taza

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Order of operations (3ºT)

Maths. 1º/2º ESO
In this section we  will study "Order of operations".
First they  have to watch the following video, and then practice with the following exercises.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Cell organelles

Students made drawings of cell types to learn the main cell organelles in English


1st ESO students have worked on British and American women inventors throughout history. The students have looked for different information about WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE these women have invented


Biografía Heroínas Secretas en la Historia de España

Para las Jornadas Culturales de este año se ha propuesto desde el Programa Bilingüe y PLC trabajar La Biografía como tarea interdisciplinar de centro.

Desde el departamento de Lengua, se han realizado varios trabajos.
Os mostramos " Heroínas Secretas de la Historia de España" como resultado de la actividad.

Escribimos biografías

En 1° E.S.O nos hemos acercado al género discursivo de la biografía. A partir de un guión de planificación hemos aclarado las características de este tipo de texto.

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Scientific notation ( 2º T)

We will watch the following video about scientific notation:


After that, pupils will practise with interactive exercises on the internet, accessing the following link:

Tables and graphs ( 1º T)

In this section we will work with tables and graphs, for  first year high school students.
First of all, we will watch the following video, which explains how interpret graphs 
https://youtu.be/EawoCX2XQBw ( link to access the video)

After explaining some concepts and clarifying  doubts, we will do some activities  of interpreting graphs, all contextualized. Specifically, we will raise the next exercise, about  temperatures in New York City

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

La biographie

Une biographie est un récit de vie. On raconte la vie d’une personne.

On donne d’abord des informations sur l’identité : date et lieu de naissance, liens familiaux.


The cross-curricular task proposed by the Bilingual Project is about Biographies.

Some of them were exposed in several workshops during the Cultural Week.

Those are the biographies carried out by students of 2nd year.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

Equivalent Fractions

First of all, we are going to watch a video in class, whose author is Jessica Jones, talking about Equivalent Fractions:

We will answer together the questions that appear in this video from Edpuzzle.

Later, we do the following activity:  

Decipher These Antigrams

We have two columns where appear letters and numbers associated.

We look for the equivalent fractions of the following numbers from the previous columns.

And, finally we will obtain a new word for each column. In this way, we will obtain the word hides in our anagram.

Daniel Díaz Pernil
Manuela Martínez de la Torre

Solve equations with rational coefficients

We are going to work with a video of Edpuzzle:

We must answer together the questions that appear in this video. Later, teacher can explain again, but asking to the pupils. Finally, the pupils will solve some equations giving some explanations to the rest of the class.

Daniel Díaz Pernil
Manuela Martínez de la Torre

martes, 14 de enero de 2020


The aim of the next activity is to practice in a fun and alternative way the contents about the most important figures in the Reconquista process of the Iberian Peninsula by the Christian Kingdoms.

Instructions of the game:

- Make groups of five students.
- Every group will have some cards like this one:

- A volunteer of one group will read the first clue, and the rest of the groups will raise their hands having one attempt in order to make a guess of who is the historic figure that we are talking about:

- If you find the historic figure using the First clue: The team will get 10 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Second clue: The team will get 6 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Third clue: The team will get 4 points.
- If you find the historic figure using the Last clue: The team will get 2 points.

The team with the Highest Score will win the Quiz.

You can download the Cards using the following link:


jueves, 2 de enero de 2020

Decorate a Christmas Tree with Google Slides

    You can do this project with this fun, and educational, Google Slides activity. This is a great way for students to be creative and to work on their writing skills by describing or writing about their holiday traditions, plans, or memories.

"Decorate a Christmas Tree" template

"Decorate a Holiday Tree" template